
Friday, February 28, 2025
6 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Saturday, March 1, 2025
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Mardi Gras Parade at 3:00 p.m.

Pageantry! Parades! Exotic Floats! Outrageous Costumes! Masked Crowds! Carnival Royalty! High-stepping! Strutters moving to the rhythms of Dixieland Jazz! Uninhibited Merry-making! MARDI GRAS!

Mardi Gras celebrations go back several hundred years. The term “Mardi Gras” means “Fat Tuesday” and refers to the day before Ash Wednesday – the first of the forty days of lent preceding Easter. Christians on the time customarily gave up meat and other indulgences during lent, thus “carneval” or “farewell to meat” - - became “Carnival”, a festive period when over-indulgence was in order.

The traditional colors of Mardi Gras are purple, gold, and green. However, Krewes (secret groups that make up the cast of characters in Mardi Gras) selected their own colors to brandish during Carnival. Kings and Queens and courts of these krewes are selected with utmost secrecy. Beads, doubloons, and other trinkets are tossed to spectators along the Mardi Gras route as “throws” – the traditional souvenirs of every Mardi Gras.

Because Mardi Gras is celebrated in various cultures around the world costumes and music vary according to location. Lake Wales has incorporated traditions from many of them including feathered costumes from Rio, Dixieland Jazz, Blues and Zydeco music, Cajun food and mask from New Orleans. Another tradition adapted from New Orleans is the Krewe of Rex as the lead Krewe in the parade escorting the Queen of Carnival and Prince of Wailes (our version of rex, King of Carnival). The Prince of Wailes is selected from the members of the Krewe of Rex. The Queen of the Carnival is selected by the hiding of the “Golden Bead” in the ceremonial “King Cake” which will be served to all the ladies present – she who finds the golden bead will take her place beside the King of Carnival.

In 1984, the Lake Wales Mardi Gras came into existence as a tribute to Vinton Davis, the charismatic owner of Vinton's New Orleans Restaurant, and his love for carnivals, especially Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Vinton, known for his colorful personality, after retiring from the restaurant buisness, bought a hot dog stand and traveled the country making gourmet hot dogs.

Following Vinton's passing, his daughter, Nancy Estes, and wife, Nettie, desired a traditional New Orleans funeral, complete with a jazz band procession and mourners. Unable to fulfill this wish, they opted to organize a parade in his honor, naming it the Lake Wales Mardi Gras. With the assistance of Nettie's brother Ed, friend Robert Connors, son Jim Bernhardt, and a few others, the Lake Wales Mardi Gras took shape.

The inaugural Mardi Gras parade featured Al's Place Band, and just two Krewes (Royal Order of the Red Swans and the Loyal Order of Wild Shiners) and numerous marching revelers. This spectacle unfolded before a modest audience of a couple of hundred spectators and was over in just 10 minutes. The following year, the crowd jumped to about 5,000 spectators and has grown every year since.


• Royal Order of the Red Swans (Zazu)

• The Loyal Order of Wild Shiners

We are located on the crossroads of U.S. 27 and Highway 60; dead center of the state.

Take I-95, U.S. 1 or the Florida Turnpike to Highway 60 and go west into Lake Wales. Or Take I-75 to Highway 60 and go east into Lake Wales. Or If your'e coming in by commercial airline, fly to Orlando International Airport, take the 528 west to I-4 west to U.S 27 south into Lake Wales.

The Chamber of Commerce is located on Central Ave just east of U.S 27. Maps and guides are available there. You may also Email us for more detailed information.

Parking for Mardi Gras is located along each side of Lake Wailes Park.



JOSHUA CURCHY  PRESIDENTPh. (321) 615-5183 joshcurchy@gmail.com


Ph. (321) 615-5183

Vice President

Ph. (863) 528-5899

COLLEEN CURCHY TreasurerPh. (727) 543-1784  cjcurchy@yahoo.com


Ph. (727) 543-1784